Healing Trauma
Pain Relief
Decreased Stress
Improved Quality of Life
What to expect:
Check In
How are you? Is there anything bothering you today?
A time for you to set your intention for the session.
You will receive Reiki, the flow of universal energy channeled just for you.
Weekly Practice
A meditation or mindfulness practice tailored to support your continued healing.
What was your experience during today's session? How do you feel now?
Moving Forward
We'll create a practice plan for your week and help you integrate the information from the session into your daily routine.
Reiki Options
When you’re feeling a little “off” and would like a one time boost to help you get back in the groove.
$99 for a 45 minute session
When you feel called to improve your daily mind/body/spirit state. Weekly Reiki sessions will support you increasing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
$599 for 8 45 minute sessions
When you just need a quick session each week to ensure you keep feeling well and balanced.
$299 for 6 30 minute sessions
Single Session
directed + specific one-time support-
One 45-minute session
Improved well-being
Follow up email exchange
Reiki support of your follow-up needs
Evolving You
on-going instruction, support, + coaching-
Eight 45 minute sessions
Improved well-being
Follow up emails between sessions
Reiki support of your follow-up needs
A personalized weekly visualization to support you in between sessions
Uplifting Support
coaching + accountability-
Six 30 minute sessions
Improved well-being
Follow up emails between sessions
Reiki support of your follow-up needs